Download GOTR!
Look in the Media section.

All trailers require at least QuickTime 5 or the Windows Media Player. To download it, follow the link at the bottom of the page.

To watch a trailer, click on the trailer name.


Star Wars: Ghost of the Rebellion (106.5MB) WMV

Movie Trailer

Star Wars: Ghost of the Rebellion Trailer (13.6MB) QT MOV

Character Trailers

Guard 2 Trailer (2.5MB) QT MOV

Leader Trailer (2.5MB) QT MOV

Lena Trailer (2.5MB) QT MOV

Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, and Extras

Music Video 1 (33MB) QT MOV

Music Video 2 (25MB) QT MOV

Tour of the Jedi Spaceship (9.5MB) QT MOV

Alternate Elevator Scene (27MB) QT MOV

Outtakes (106MB) QT MOV